lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020


May 4th to May  8 th  2020


What day is today? Answer and write the date in your Vocabulary and Spelling  notebook.

Grammar: Write 4 lines of a brief description of your Saturday and illustrate it this word. Write in your notebook of spelling and vocabulary this words “study,write,do,jump,dance”, look for meaning in Spanish and repeat 3 times each word and illustrate

Happy time: Dance Clap it out J


Good morning! Sing
What day is today?

We solve pag 93 of your Language Log book (What do I do every day)

Happy time: Dance Clap it out J       


Good morning! Sing
What day is today? Answer and write the date in your Grammar  notebook.

Grammar:   We solve pag 77 in the vocabulary and grammar log book in the virtual class (What do I do every day) and we read in the reading book Manny and his monsters manners


Good morning! Sing

What day is today?
We solve pag 94 of your Language Log book in the virtual class (What do I do every day) and solve page 78 Vocabulary and grammar book

Happy time: Dance Clap it out J


Good morning! Sing  .
What day is today?

Materials to work in class(is very important to have the materials to work the activity
Estambre el color que gusten
Pasta de pluma