Good morning! Sing
What day is today?
- Answer and write the date in your Grammar notebook.
- Write 7 lines of a brief
description of your Vacations and illustrate it.
- When you are doing this
activity put in Youtube your favorite song and if you finish dance with your
Happy time: Dance Clap it out
Good morning! Sing
What day is today?
- Answer and write the date in your Reading notebook.
- Watch and Listen the lecture
- Talk about the video and comment with your parents
- Write in your notebook this
questions and answer: Do you like the
lecture? What is your favorite part of the video?
- Make a drawing of the video
Happy time: Dance Clap it out
Good morning! Sing
What day is today?
- Answer and write the date in your Vocabulary and Spelling
- Write this words in your notebook of Vocabulary and Spelling “play, pop corns, candy, video game, teddy
bear, toys,funko card ” look for meaning in Spanish.
- Repeat 3 times each word
and illustrate.
- Write one sentence using each new word.
Happy time: Dance Clap it out
Good morning! Sing
What day is today?
- Answer and write the date in your Reading notebook.
- Read
in your book of Reading Log pag 118
- Talk
about the lecture and comment with your parents
- Write in your notebook this
questions and answer: Do you like the
- What is your favorite part of the lecture?
- Make a drawing of the reading
Happy time: Dance Clap it out
Good morning! Sing
What day is today?
- Answer and write
the date in your Green notebook.
- Dictation, words to 1-5 of the list of spelling bee in your green
book (The new list you can in the blog of the school.
Happy time: Dance Clap it out